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Company owner uses alternative energy products he sells

Company owner uses alternative energy products he sells

Rick Guthrie, owner of Temiskaming Independent Energy , has first-hand knowledge of the products he sells. He’s been living off the grid for the past 16 years about 10 kilometres outside of Elk Lake.
Espanola venture to manufacture solar components

Espanola venture to manufacture solar components

Trevor Tario and Jeff Scharf looked at a number of regions with industrial space before settling on Espanola. And once they made up their minds, there was no turning back.
Organic pesticide reaching popularity around the globe

Organic pesticide reaching popularity around the globe

Millions of ash trees will die in Ontario over the next 10 years, but a pesticide developed out of Sault Ste. Marie is poised to put a dent in those numbers, and interest in the product has been piqued around the globe.
Solar Logix joins Sault's renewable energy sector

Solar Logix joins Sault's renewable energy sector

Riding in on the wave of renewable energy companies calling Sault Ste. Marie home, Solar Logix has joined the trend, taking a unique approach to local training and employment. The company, which opened its Sault Ste.
Recovery system breaking ground with renewables

Recovery system breaking ground with renewables

When John Hood and Les Lisk initially developed their @Source-Energy Wall—a wall designed to generate energy by incorporating photovoltaic (PV) panels into its design—the energy readings were so high, they thought something had gone terribly wrong.
Kapuskasing's 30 solar projects nearly complete

Kapuskasing's 30 solar projects nearly complete

For Kapuskasing , 2012 looks to be the year of solar energy. In mid-December, Kapuskasing announced that Eclipsall Energy Corp. , a Toronto-based company, will be providing photovoltaic modules for the municipality's 30 solar projects.
College energy centre opens doors

College energy centre opens doors

After years of discussions and planning, the Xstrata Nickel Sustainable Energy Centre in Sudbury officially opened its doors.
Sudbury hosting three-day energy conference

Sudbury hosting three-day energy conference

Recommendations from a three-day renewable energy conference, being held in Sudbury Feb.
Hearst greenhouse grower installs geothermal heating system

Hearst greenhouse grower installs geothermal heating system

La Maison Verte, a Hearst not-for-profit reforestation grower, spent the majority of December installing a $230,000 geothermal heating pump for one of its greenhouses, and plans on using January and February to test it.
Entrepreneur cultivates way to extend the harvest

Entrepreneur cultivates way to extend the harvest

Like many of the Finnish immigrants who settled west of Thunder Bay at the turn of the last century, Leo Hunnakko is a big believer in being self-sufficient.