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Network connects remote North (7/03)

By ANDREW WAREING Back in 1994, even while the Internet was in its infancy, a group of First Nations communities could already see its potential for communication.

High-speed network planned (7/03)

The Kenjgewin Teg Educational Institute is embarking on a business plan for an Intranet network to serve six First Nations communities on Manitoulin Island, and a feasibility study into the construction of a new facility for the institute.

Improving local economies aim of new college program (7/03)

By ANDREW WAREING With a growing emphasis on community-based economic development initiatives, a new program on community and economic development seemed a natural addition at Northern College, says Mike Studd.

Competition advances IT industry (7/03)

By IAN ROSS Though a private consultant’s report once panned the federal government for imposing a telecommunications monopoly in Timmins, the city has always been served by a state-of-the-art network with competitive rates, says the director of the

Information highway path to new markets (6/03)

By ANDREW WAREING A small Timmins company is trying to make a big splash online to increase export opportunities.

E-learning strategy in the works (5/03)

Contact North/Contact Nord, Northern Ontario’s distance education and training network, hosted its first international roundtable on e-learning on March 25 and 26 in Toronto.

Tech program first of its kind (5/03)

By IAN ROSS Students enrolled in Algoma University College’s (AUC) upcoming computer games technology course should experience a one-of-kind learning opportunity when the program opens this fall.

E-marketplace one-stop shop (5/03)

By KELLY LOUISEIZE The mining industry is taking advantage of a new electronic marketplace that promises to reduce time and cost with the ease of a one-stop transaction centre.

Innovation Centre restructures, centre’s mandate under review (4/03)

By IAN ROSS A major shakeup at Sault Ste. Marie’s Innovation Centre has prompted an independent review of the technology facility’s mandate as the search for a new direction takes place.

Northern College launches technology campaign (4/03)

Northern College has launched a new technology campaign to increase awareness among high school students and returning learners that the opportunities for satisfying and well-paying careers in trades and technology are vast.