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ONTC workers protest outside of Liberal meeting

ONTC workers protest outside of Liberal meeting

A couch reserved for Premier Dalton McGuinty and Minister of Northern Development and Mines Rick Bartolucci was set up at a June 23 rally in Sudbury protesting the sale of the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC).
Northerners fight divestiture of ONTC

Northerners fight divestiture of ONTC

The province's plan to divest the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission has rallied Northerners to decry the decision.
City hopes study will spur action on port

City hopes study will spur action on port

S ault Ste. Marie is trying to make headway with another study for a potential Great Lakes port. A report is expected back from KPMG consultants by late April outlining the feasibility of an expanded facility on the St. Mary's River.
Northern mayors press province for commitment, investment

Northern mayors press province for commitment, investment

Northern community leaders used the annual Ontario Good Roads convention to do some heavy arm-twisting with provincial cabinet ministers.
Kapuskasing puts emphasis on street repairs on a yearly basis

Kapuskasing puts emphasis on street repairs on a yearly basis

For more than five years, the Town of Kapuskasing has spent millions in road repairs. This year, the municipality will complete its 600-metre sidewalk project on St.
Airships changing transportation game in Canada

Airships changing transportation game in Canada

Whenever someone engages Stephen Newton in a discussion about airships, the conversation takes an inevitable turn.
ONTC to be divested

ONTC to be divested

The provincial government has announced the divestment of the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission (ONTC).
5th Wheel Training Institute provides variety of programs

5th Wheel Training Institute provides variety of programs

Truck driver training school has evolved to include multiple roles, industries
New four-lane highway bypasses Estaire

New four-lane highway bypasses Estaire

The remains of the old two-lane Hwy. 69 from Sudbury to Estaire is anything but busy these days. The new alignment has successfully redirected traffic around Estaire, and no longer through it.
Porter wings into the Sault

Porter wings into the Sault

Add Sault Ste. Marie to Porter Airlines’ ever-expanding list of destinations. Robert Deluce, president and CEO of the Toronto-based regional air carrier is making good on his 2006 commitment to return to his Northern Ontario roots.