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Indigenous Business

Algoma U to host Aboriginal land management symposium

Algoma U to host Aboriginal land management symposium

Algoma University will host a symposium next week that will focus on Aboriginal land management May 4 to 6. Exploring Aboriginal Land Management, Planning and Use will look at diverse perspectives.
Fund propelling aquaculture industry forward

Fund propelling aquaculture industry forward

As food producers race to meet global demand for seafood, aquaculture has become the fastest growing segment of the food-producing industry.
First Nations want management control of Ogoki Forest

First Nations want management control of Ogoki Forest

The northwestern Ontario First Nations of Aroland, Eabametoong and Marten Falls have signed a forest tenure agreement on the Ogoki Forest in northwestern Ontario.
Waubetek’s plan to engage mining stakeholders

Waubetek’s plan to engage mining stakeholders

Waubetek Business Development Corporation has developed a new mining strategy designed to help stakeholders navigate the intricacies involved with resource development in Northeastern Ontario.
First Nations seek to reset relationship with Queen’s Park

First Nations seek to reset relationship with Queen’s Park

Ontario Regional Chief Stan Beardy is confident that a new relationship is emerging with Queen’s Park following a summit late last fall designed to find common ground on key issues that will allow resource development to proceed in the Far North.
First Nations ready to be partners in development

First Nations ready to be partners in development

At an Aboriginal energy conference last December in Toronto, keynote speaker Nishnawbe Aski Nation (NAN) Grand Chief Harvey Yesno shocked delegates when he remarked that 21 of the 49 communities in his territorial organization were under boil-water a
Unions, apprenticeship board join to train Aboriginal workers

Unions, apprenticeship board join to train Aboriginal workers

Fifteen years ago, if Ron Sarazin had suggested Aboriginal communities work closely with the province’s trade unions to ready Aboriginal workers for the skilled trades, he’d be lucky to get a phone call back.
Consulting group focused on First Nations interests

Consulting group focused on First Nations interests

Jennifer David would be perfectly content to work herself out of a job.
Pic Mobert takes charge in forestry

Pic Mobert takes charge in forestry

Taking an ownership stake in a shuttered White River sawmill proved to be the perfect entry point for the Pic Mobert First Nation to finally participate in the forestry industry.

FedNor invests in Aboriginal business development

Two Kenora area First Nation organizations received more than $550,000 in FedNor funding to support Aboriginal business development.