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Indigenous Business

First Nation contractor digs into the resource sector

Mine site reclamation work has been a saving grace for White Lake Resources Corporation, a contracting company owned by the Pic Mobert First Nation.
First Nation caterer lands mine camp contract

First Nation caterer lands mine camp contract

A First Nation caterer has struck gold after teaming up with an international food and beverage provider.
CreeWest acquires airline, poised for expansion

CreeWest acquires airline, poised for expansion

CreeWest GP Inc. is marking a milestone, acquiring Northern Skies Air Service hangar and charter service located in Sioux Lookout. The $1.
Aboriginal business program sets stage for dialogue

Aboriginal business program sets stage for dialogue

Resource extraction companies that take huge investment risks are always looking for certainty in the areas they operate.
First Nation advances sawmill project

First Nation advances sawmill project

A northwestern Ontario First Nation community has been painstakingly assembling the wood building blocks for a community revival.
First generating station of hydroelectric project complete

First generating station of hydroelectric project complete

The Lower Mattagami hydroelectric redevelopment project has reached a milestone, completing the 67 megawatt (MW) Little Long generating station, the first of four station upgrades in the multi-year, $2.6-billion project.

Respect treaty rights on resource extraction says chief

Anishinabek Nation leader Isadore Day said First Nations “can and will” play a valuable role in resource extraction in Ontario and the discussion with the government needs to start on recognizing and respecting treaty rights and traditional territory
Panel puts decisions in hands of First Nation

Panel puts decisions in hands of First Nation

Information on government programs is available at every turn, but what are the tangible ways in which it can be used to assist First Nations with sustainability? The inaugural Lands and Economy Summit, held in October in Serpent River First Nation,
Skills database creating First Nations work opportunities

Skills database creating First Nations work opportunities

One-stop shop for worker info smooths process for industry-community collaboration

Anishinabek, province extend natural resource co-operation

The Anishinabek Nation and Ontario have signed their fifth memorandum of understanding to ensure coordination on natural resource management issues.