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Entrepreneurs invited to exporting workshop

The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre is holding a half-day workshop for entrepreneurs interested in getting into exporting.

The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre is holding a half-day workshop for entrepreneurs interested in getting into exporting.

On March 22, the innovation centre will host India to Indiana: Driving Sales Through International Markets, which features CEOs Nish Patel of ConceptShare and Bruce Linton of Clearford Industries Inc. The two will offer ‘lessons from the road,’ a highlight of their experiences on selling science and technology products on an international scale.

Participants will also hear from the Canadian Digital Media Network (CDMN) on their business-supportive Soft-Landing Program, and one participant will qualify to receive $4,000 in reimbursable expenses to spend over three months to help offset travel and hotel stay costs.

“This workshop offers local businesses a unique opportunity to hear directly from active CEO’s who are achieving success in international markets,” said Tom Vair, executive director of SSMIC, in a news release. “On top of this, the CDMN offer of a $4,000 soft landing program is a great opportunity for one of our local companies to help them expand their international business.”

The half-day workshop is open to the public but seating is limited. Breakfast refreshments are included. To register, please visit

For more on CDMN’s Soft-Landing program or program criteria please contact Diana Medaglia, marketing and communications manager, at 705-942-7927, ext. 3138, or