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Training & Education

Lakehead, Georgian partner on engineering degree

Thunder Bay 's Lakehead University and Barrie's Georgian College have announced plans to develop a four-year degree in electrical engineering that it will deliver jointly in Central Ontario.

Lakehead mining institute staging sustainability conference

Lakehead University's newly-minted Centre of Excellence for Sustainable Mining and Exploration is hosting a policy conference in early December.
Sault College head leaving indelible legacy

Sault College head leaving indelible legacy

Ron Common considers career highlights while looking ahead to retirement

Lakehead U is tops in undergrad research

Thunder Bay's Lakehead University was declared Ontario’s number one university in the undergraduate research category of this year’s annual ranking of Canada’s Top 50 Research Universities, as reported by Re$earch Infosource.

Lakehead U law school opens

Lakehead University cut the ribbon, Sept. 4, on its new law school at the former Port Arthur Collegiate Institute in Thunder Bay . Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne was in attendance.

Colleges collaborate on mining program

Northern College and Confederation College in Thunder Bay are collaborating to share delivery of the Haileybury School of Mines (HSM) programming.

Canadore offers two new programs

Two new programs will be offered at Canadore College in September.

Renos begin on Laurentian’s residence

Laurentian University ’s single students’ residence is undergoing a $5.8-million renovation program as part of a program to upgrade infrastructure at the Sudbury campus. Built in 1973, the building accommodates close to 400 students every year.

South River canoe maker dips into training fund

Swift Canoe Company of South River has received $32,000 from the Yves Landry Foundation. The funding will allow the company to implement a new training program to allow steady year-round production and avoid seasonal layoffs.

Sault College launches School of Business

Sault College has launched a School of Business, with a goal of enrolling 600 students within the next five years.