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Record number of hauls on winter road

Record number of hauls on winter road

A completed three-year contract to haul equipment up the James Bay coast to build Ontario’s first diamond mine proved to be a lifeline for a Kapuskasing trucking company.
Independent Nickel Board of Directors unanimously approves Victory Nickel's amended offer

Independent Nickel Board of Directors unanimously approves Victory Nickel's amended offer

Victory Nickel has increased its offer to purchase all of the outstanding common shares of Independent Nickel. In response, Independent's Board has recommended that shareholders accept the amended offer of 1.
Independent Nickel's friendly and hostile takeover

Independent Nickel's friendly and hostile takeover

Let the games begin. There was plenty of jockeying for position in Sudbury's mining business world.

Government criticized for fast-tracking Mining Act meetings

The process to modernize Ontario's Mining Act got off to a rocky start at a public meeting in Sudbury, Aug. 13.

Endurance Gold finds glitter on Sudbury-area property

Preliminary assays from Endurance Gold's recently completed diamond drilling program on its Pardo Property, 65 kilometres northeast of Sudbury, have shown the majority of holes returning gold values.

Champion Bear kicks off Sudbury-area drill program

Located in the Sudbury area, Champion Bear Resources Ltd.'s Iron Mask property has just begun to see the first stages of the company's newest drill program.

Hunter Dickinson makes 40 per cent investment in Sudbury's Independent Nickel

With an exploration project in the Lynn Lake area of Manitoba, Sudbury-based Independent Nickel has just seen a $14-million investment from Vancouver's Hunter Dickinson.
Elliot Lake miner edges closer to uranium mine

Elliot Lake miner edges closer to uranium mine

Pele Mountain Resources has entered a pre-feasibility study on its way to developing the first operating uranium mine in Elliot Lake since 1996.

Golden Chalice pouring hope into Timmins properties

The glitter of Australia’s famed Kambalda nickel deposits may one day be seen in the Timmins mining district if Golden Chalice Resources Inc.’s hopes and dreams come to pass.

Ursa Major jockeys into position

Six years after the first exploratory drill hole, Ursa Major Minerals has started regular ore shipments from its new nickel-copper open pit mine, north of Webbwood, to a Greater Sudbury smelter.