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Forest industry fueled by fourth-quarter earnings (3/03)

Optimism remains among Canada’s forest industry despite the punitive duties imposed by the U.S., and suggestions by the U.S. lumber industry to increase softwood lumber duties to 45 per cent.

Consistency aim of training, certification program (3/03)

Better forest management is the premise behind a training and forest certification program developed for forest compliance inspection professionals.

No deal better than raw deal, task force says

Canadian industry supporters are urging national unity against pressure to forge a deal with the United States to resolve the softwood lumber dispute. With lumber companies dealing with 27.

Wood WORKS! calls for nominations (8/02)

Nominations are now being accepted for the second annual Wood WORKS! Awards program, which honours renewable resource achievements.

MOE to launch clear-cut investigation (8/02)

The Ministry of Environment and Energy (MOEE) was preparing to launch an investigation of the Ministry of Natural Resources to examine massive clearcuts in the Gordon Cosens forest.

First Nations receive federal funding (8/02)

Several First Nations communities in the North were beneficiaries of a $1.7 million federal package for economic development projects.

Mill restructures (8/02)

Forty layoff notices were issued to Tembec employees at its Kenogami mill in early August, but the forest products giant vows to keep the planing and sawmill in operation.

Timber stock endangered (8/02)

Northern timber stocks are in danger because of changes in provincial fire management, say forest producers along Highway 11. Tembec's chief forester for the Ontario boreal east forest, Rick Groves, writes to Kapuskasing Mayor J.C.

Contract talks at sawmill come to a halt (8/02)

A refurbished sawmill in Ignace remains silent after management and union broke off negotiations. The Bowater lumber mill was set to start up July 2 after a recent expansion and refurbishment project.

St. Marys appoints mill manager (8/02)

St. Marys Paper Ltd. found its new mill manager from within its own ranks, appointing long-time woodlands manager Marc Dube as its top administrative official in August.