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Industry at loggerheads, crisis looming, operator says (11/03)

With no increase in lumbering rates from large companies to help offset the escalating overhead costs, and no sign of the United States reducing tariffs on softwood lumber, Denis Deschamps has resorted to calling an auctioneer to sell his logging equ

Domtar purchases mills (6/01)

Forest products giant Domtar Inc. is buying four American paper mills from Georgia-Pacific Corp. The $2.5-billion deal will transform the Montreal-based company into the third-largest producer of uncoated freesheet (photocopy and printing papers).

Clearcut regulations proposed (6/01)

Ontario may see larger forest cuts in the future now that the Ministry of Natural Resources is pushing for clearcuts that mimic natural conditions.

Living Legacy making strides (5/01)

Ontario's Living Legacy, the Ontario government's natural heritage program, is making unprecedented strides in Crown land sustainability.

Forest research bolstered by Living Legacy Trust grant (6/02)

A $100,000-grant from the Living Legacy Trust to the Forest Research Partnership will help forestry experts benefit from the results of earlier research to increase their current understanding of growth and yield of forests in the Boreal and Great La

Petition urges government to stand up against protectionist policies (6/02)

Tembec Inc. is urging the Canadian government to take a tough stand against the U.S. in answering to their punitive softwood lumber tariffs.

Tembec president urges Canadians to take stand against U.S. in trade dispute (6/02)

Tembec has not backed down in its aim to pressure the federal government to stand up against the United States in the softwood lumber dispute.

Opposition to province's clearcut proposal heightens (11/01)

A public opinion poll conducted by OraclePoll Research indicates a majority of Ontarians are opposed to a provincial proposal to have no upper limits on the size of some clearcuts.

First Nations voice opposition to clearcut guidelines (10/01)

Environmental groups are not the only ones voicing opposition to the province's proposed clearcut guidelines.

Lumber retailers demanding FSC standards be met (9/01)

There was a time when consumers and lumber retailers gave little thought to where the wood they built homes with, or the furniture they purchased, came from.