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Thunder Bay

Group seeks Parks Canada support to promote diving (11/01)

A local shipwreck enthusiasts' group wants to promote sport-diving off Thunder Bay with the aid of Parks Canada.

Mayor boycotts new low-cost air carrier (11/01)

Following on the heels of Air Canada's recent layoff announcements, the mayor of Thunder Bay is requesting northwestern Ontario residents boycott Air Canada's new low-cost carrier, Tango.

Literacy rate linked to industrial workplace accident rate

Industrial workplace accidents may be reduced if mine and forestry workers upgrade their ability to read and write, according to a Thunder Bay literacy organization.

Sale of leased properties could cost taxpayers (11/01)

Leaseholders on Sandy Beach Road in Thunder Bay are disgruntled by the city's proposed five-year lease and are requesting a 15-year lease on properties, along with a valuation of leaseholder-owned buildings, before signing a new lease.

Merger may cost jobs (11/01)

A merger in the grain-handling business may cost some jobs in Thunder Bay, according to the United Steelworkers Union.

Lakehead professor receives grant for mineral project (11/01)

Lakehead University professor Inder Nirdosh is the recipient of a $145,000-grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council for a mineral collector project.

No end in sight for plant strike (11/01)

Striking workers at Industrial Hardwood Products Ltd. in Thunder Bay have marked their second year on the picket line and still no end in sight for the strike.

Forestry giant supports university program (11/01)

Weyerhaeuser Canada Ltd. kicked in support for the Native Access Program for Engineering (NAPE) at Lakehead University with a donation of $100,000.

Potential for commercial-size diamonds in Wawa area (11/01)

An unusual occurrence of diamond-bearing breccia rock on the Festival diamond property near Wawa has prompted Pele Mountain Resources to extract bulk samples for processing.

Tourism industry sluggish (11/01)

Travel agencies in Thunder Bay are reporting a decrease of about 40 per cent in business following the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks on the United States.