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System aids in asset tracking (09/04)

BY JOSEPH QUESNEL Northern Ontario Business A new asset tracking system – developed by a Sudbury company – is becoming increasingly popular in the Canadian mining industry due to its productivity-enhancing qualities, but there are still lingering pri

Bucket engineered for underground repairs (09/04)

By IAN ROSS Northern Ontario Business A Sudbury mining supplier plans to unveil a new LHD (Load Haul Dump) bucket at an international mining show in Las Vegas later this month.

Sudbury business owner earns distinction as tradeshow marketer (08/04)

A Sudbury advertising agency has joined the upper echelon of professional marketers. Johnny Grano, co-founder of Creative Odyssey Marketing and Design Inc.

Bearskin cancels flights to Toronto (08/04)

Bearskin Airlines, a provider of passenger flights across Northern Ontario, has decided to cancel its flight route to Toronto citing competitive pressure and restructuring as the main reasons.

Wind farms to power up North’s economy (08/04)

By IAN ROSS Northern Ontario Business Investors are waiting in the wings to dive into Ontario’s green energy market and potentially the province’s first wind farm on Manitoulin Island.

Mining, tourism, eco-industry top list of priorities (09/03)

By IAN ROSS Think back 20 years ago, says Doug Nadorozny, before the ribbon cutting at Science North.

Silicon Valley of mining in the making (01/04)

By IAN ROSS Northern Ontario Business Ask Dick DeStefano how Sudbury's mining supply trade association is evolving and he will tell you it has morphed into something beyond his wildest expectations.

Developers jockey for retail spots (01/04)

By KELLY LOUISEIZE Northern Ontario Business Sudbury’s retail scene resembles a Monopoly board with big developers strategically jockeying for position in the city’s east end, south end and downtown core.

Sudbury withdraws from joint venture (07/04)

By IAN ROSS Northern Ontario Business The City of Greater Sudbury has backed out of a joint-venture partnership with Northland Power Inc. to develop a wind farm on Manitoulin Island.

Prosperity Plan expected to fix years of “northern neglect” (07/04)

Opening a greater dialogue with northerners is the way the McGuinty government will create jobs and drive economic wealth in Northern Ontario.