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Revenue losses ground flights at Earlton airport (8/03)

By ANDREW WAREING Air passenger service came to a standstill this spring at Earlton Airport following a massive decline in passengers, but efforts are underway to re-introduce the service.

Tourism bookings hit all-time low for operator (8/03)

By ANDREW WAREING For many tourism operators in Timiskaming, 2003 started on a sour note and many in the industry claim business has just continued downhill from there.

$30M project to power up region (8/03)

By ANDREW WAREING More power to, or rather from, Kirkland Lake by next summer. Kirkland Lake Power Corp.

Hollinger Golf Club aims to make Timmins agolf destination in North (7/03)

By ANDREW WAREING TIMMINS -Hollinger Golf Club is evolving to become more competitive. The Timmins-based golf club is bigger by 18 holes and, club manager Mark Stortini says that, after expanding the golf course from nine holes to 27.

Timmins business enterprise centre shifting its focus (7/03)

By ANDREW WAREING What was once the Timmins Business Self-Help Centre is now the Business Enterprise Centre.

Marketing project boosts tourism numbers (7/03)

By ANDREW WAREING TIMMINS - The tourism industry in Timmins is going to benefit more from a new sense of co-operation than competition in Northern Ontario.

Business degree to be offered online (7/03)

By ANDREW WAREING Business students at Northern College will be able to pursue a business degree internationally thanks to an agreement signed with an Australian university.

Competition advances IT industry (7/03)

By IAN ROSS Though a private consultant’s report once panned the federal government for imposing a telecommunications monopoly in Timmins, the city has always been served by a state-of-the-art network with competitive rates, says the director of the

Red tape strangling forestry business (7/03)

By ANDREW WAREING Timmins-area forestry contractor Albert Boudreau finds the permitting process to be long and arduous, and often one which leads to loss of opportunities in the industry.

Mustang options nickel property near Timmins (7/03)

Mustang Minerals, a major PGM player in the Sudbury mining camp, has optioned the Bannockburn Nickel Project near Timmins from Outokumpu Mines. The project consists of 143 mining claim units located 100 kilometres south of the city.