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$30M exploration program targets Sudbury basin (06/04)

FNX Mining Company Inc. and Dynatec Corp. are undertaking a massive $30-million advanced underground exploration program in the Sudbury basin.

Public offering response bodes well for Big Red (06/04)

By ANDREW WAREING With diamonds a major source of exploration in Northern Ontario, Big Red Diamond Corp. (BRDC) has gone public to help finance its explorations in the Attawapiskat area.

Attawapiskat diamond cluster expands (06/04)

April was a good drilling month for diamond hunters KWG Resources and Spider Resources with the discovery of three kimberlites on their McFadyen property in the James Bay lowlands.

Investment broker turned CEO charting new course for Goldcorp (06/04)

By JOSEPH QUESNEL For Rob McEwen, when it comes to running a billion-dollar company, ideas are more important than where one comes from.

Chile, Sudbury ties stronger 04/04

Sudbury’s mining community strengthened its ties to Chile with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding last month.

Underwater telerobotics solution for deep mining (04/04)

KELLY LOUISEIZE Penguin Automated Systems Inc.’s Chairman and CTO Dr. Greg Baiden, is gearing up to put technology in place that may change the mining, military and medical complexion forever.

Inco scraps plan to ship Voisey’s Bay nickel via Manitoulin Island (04/04)

A plan to ship Voisey’s Bay nickel concentrate to Sudbury via Manitoulin Island has been scrapped by Inco. The controversial proposal by Alexander Centre Industries Ltd.

Air as resource in mining (04/04)

By ANDREW WAREING Mining companies that operate deep mines have the dual challenge of making sure that people and machines have enough air to operate efficiently underground while ensuring neither gets overheated. Dr.

Falconbridge reports $194M profit for 2003 (03/04)

During the fourth quarter, refined nickel production totalled 27,058 tonnes compared with 27,387 tonnes from the same quarter a year ago.

Temex testing for new gold zones (03/04)

Temex Resources Corp. has announced an additional 3,000-metre diamond-drilling program on its 100 per cent owned Juby Project, which neighbours onto the Goldeye Joint Venture Project.