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Agricultural innovation network will benefit Algoma farmers

The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre is launching a new project to improve agricultural innovation in the Algoma district.

The Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre is launching a new project to improve agricultural innovation in the Algoma district.

The organization has received $5,000 from various partners to hire a consultant to establish the Algoma Rural Agricultural Innovation Network, to be known as RAIN.

Innovation Centre research director Errol Caldwell said the network has the potential to create new agricultural jobs and opportunities in Northern Ontario's rural sector. It will provide an information-sharing forum to local growers, woodlot owners, rural businesses and clients on crops, commodities, products and services.

RAIN would also be "engaged in other areas of innovation and value-added economic activities deemed important" to members for private-sector and rural economic development.

The innovation centre will be the project lead, accompanied by a host of development partners, including the East Algoma Community Futures Development Corporation and the Algoma Soil and Crop Improvement Association.