The City of North Bay has expressed some interest in teaming up with Sault Ste. Marie to conduct a regional study on a transpolar air cargo initiative. The mayor and city planner of Sault Ste. Marie recently presented a preliminary game plan and terms of reference for the proposed study to the mayor of North Bay.
The study would concentrate on identifying business opportunities that could result from transpolar flights, and the infrastructure necessary to realize those opportunities. Sault Ste. Marie will continue to identify consultants who may be able to undertake the study, clarify and finalize terms of reference, and attempt to identify how much FedNor might contribute to the $200,000-study.
Proponents of the idea suggest air cargo originating in the Asia-Pacific region could be transported over the North Pole and along transpolar routes to Sault Ste. Marie where it would be warehoused and distributed. The merchandise would leave by truck or rail, bound for major Canadian and American markets within 24 hours of arriving at the airport.
Cargo would originate in both Sault Ste. Marie and a partnering community in the Asia-Pacific region.