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Soaring temperatures force company to initiate shutdowns (8/02)

Falconbridge Ltd. has been facing soaring electricity prices during the warm summer, while independent electricity market operators have been making pleas to the public to reduce hydro consumption.

Mining revival spells prosperity for region (8/02)

By Ian Ross In what is being heralded as a revival of the mining industry in Kirkland Lake, Foxpoint Resources Ltd.

Heritage site designation to boost tourism (8/02)

By Ian Ross The community that bills itself as ‘Ontario’s most historic town’ now has a national designation to prove it.

Negotiations in diamond mine development halted (8/02)

The potential development of Ontario’s first diamond mine was put on hold in July. In a surprise move, the Attawapiskat First Nations community told De Beers Canada Corp. it had decided to suspend its consultation process with De Beers.

Low gold prices spark mergers (8/01)

Low gold prices have some mining companies aiming to lower costs per ounce of gold through mergers. A recent acquisition of Homestake Mining Co. by Barrick Gold Corp.

Falconbridge profits down (8/01)

Falling metal prices caused Falconbridge Ltd. profits to drop in the second quarter. The mining giant reports it earned $55.8 million in July in the three-month period ending June 30. That compared with profits of $126.

Algoma Steel's new chairman steps down (3/02)

Robert Milbourne, Algoma Steel's new company chairman, unexpectedly stepped down in late February. A company press release states that Milbourne's departure was a mutual agreement.

Top mining executive replaced (3/02)

Falconbridge top executive Oyvind Hushovd was fired in late February in a dispute with the board of directors from parent company Noranda Inc. His replacement, Derek Pannell, Noranda's president and CEO, will retain his position at Noranda.

Province supports mining industry exports (10/01)

The Ontario government is providing $50,000 to the Canadian Association of Mining Equipment and Services for Export (CAMESE) to assist the organization in its export marketing initiatives.

Noranda set to slash jobs (11/01)

A third-quarter loss of $68 million has prompted metals giant Noranda Inc. to slash 550 jobs.