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Dryden strikes compromise for smoking bylaw (9/02)

On Jan. 1, 2003 smokers in Dryden will be greeted with the implementation of the city's anti-smoking bylaw. The bylaw does fall short of the so-called "gold standard" in smoke-free legislation, banning smoking in all public places.

On Jan. 1, 2003 smokers in Dryden will be greeted with the implementation of the city's anti-smoking bylaw. The bylaw does fall short of the so-called "gold standard" in smoke-free legislation, banning smoking in all public places. Dryden's ban includes any public enclosed place where minors are allowed.

Local bar owners argued a complete ban of smoking would cause their establishments to suffer financial hardships. Dryden rejected a recommendation made by the Northwestern Health Unit to ban smoking in all locations.