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A $290 million dollar error in judgement

So we just had to have a Federal Election – things were that bad in the House of Commons.
A $290 million dollar error in judgement

So we just had to have a Federal Election – things were that bad in the House of Commons. In fact things seem to have been so bad that it appears we are in store for more of the same over the next six, twelve or eighteen months – or however long the Harper Government lasts.

The $290 Million spent on the election may have been better spent on the various programs sponsored by the Federal Government. Here’s a thought – put $290 million more into the FedNor program! This is an awful lot of money to spend on the chance the “time was right” for a majority Conservative Government. What a joke!

Sensing that the time was right and that perhaps the economic situation was about to get worse, Prime Minister Stephen Harper called a Federal election violating his own legislation on election dates. His excuse, the “juvenile” minds in the House of Commons could not get along – PLEASE!

We did however learn several things in this past election campaign. First we learned just how little Northern Ontario matters in the National picture. Sure we did have some visitation from the Leaders but from my observation it was only token. Second, the plight of Northern Ontario was rarely if ever mentioned in any of the media reports or speeches given. The concentration on the economy was focused on the auto / manufacturing and fossil fuel industries. Third we learned just how much economic trouble is in store relative to the poor economy. Many of the small communities in Northern Ontario were struggling when the economy was good – what will happen now that the economy is going “south”? You really do not need to be a genius to answer that question. Lastly we learned that the FedNor mandate, while not receiving a budgetary increase, will be expanded over more Community Future Development Corporations. Okay now there’s a genius move – let’s take an already diluted economic development program, add no more funds, yet spread it over a wider area. Somebody is really out of touch with reality.

On the Opposition front, the NDP appear to have been given an opportunity in Northern Ontario at the expense of the Liberals. Let’s hope that they truly understand the mess that we have here in the North and are prepared to use their position in a Minority Government to move a true Northern agenda – and that means outside of the large cities of the north. In the end, they cannot say that they were not given a chance.

Premier Dalton McGuinty’s attempt to sway voters through his website and petition seems to have had some effect. Over 15,000 signatures were obtained, while Leaders Stephane Dion and Jack Layton replied as did other candidates from four of the five major parties. It should not be lost on anybody that only one Conservative candidate replied – Stephen Harper did not – this should speak volumes to all of us in Ontario. Those of us in Northern Ontario should be particularity sensitive to the lack of action or comment by of all people our Prime Minister.

There are tough times ahead for Canada and Ontario. They have already been here in Northern Ontario for some time. Let’s just hope that someone will be there to look out for us.