Better forest management is the premise behind a training and forest certification program developed for forest compliance inspection professionals.
The program was developed jointly by the Ministry of Natural Resources and the forest industry, through the Forest Practices Competency Partnership.
MNR field auditors and inspectors, as well as forest industry professionals, are taking the training.
“Compliance is a complex and crucial component of forest management,” said partnership co-chair David Milton of the Ontario Lumber Manufacturers Association. “This program enhances the skills and knowledge of inspectors and makes sure their competency is up to date.”
The certification program encourages both educational development and communication among participants and will result in better consistency and better monitoring.
To become certified, individuals must take the forest operations compliance course and pass written and field exams. Certification is valid for a three-year period subject to a code of ethics pledge and random audits of inspection reports by the Forest Compliance Training and Certification Committee.
Recertification is required every three years.
There are currently 200 compliance inspection practitioners certified in Ontario. The goal is to certify the 370 participants currently registered for the course by the end of 2003.