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Laurie Bissonette

OPINION: Canadian CEOs more confident than global peers: KPMG CEO Outlook

OPINION: Canadian CEOs more confident than global peers: KPMG CEO Outlook

Each year, KPMG surveys CEOs from the top firms from around the world, including Canada, regarding their outlook for growth, business priorities and things that keep them awake at night.
OPINION: Dissecting the deal – due diligence

OPINION: Dissecting the deal – due diligence

Due diligence is a necessary part of the anatomy of every deal and it is vitally important that both the buyer and vendor are prepared for and understand the dissection process.
OPINION: Fraud: beware!

OPINION: Fraud: beware!

You must be aware of the risks and be prepared to recognize weaknesses and take action to prevent, detect and respond to fraud.
OPINION: Getting all you are entitled to from your business interruption claim

OPINION: Getting all you are entitled to from your business interruption claim

Preparing a claim that is easily defended to your insurer can help businesses resume operations and realize the insurance recovery to which they are entitled under the policy.
OPINION: CFOs: embrace change for success

OPINION: CFOs: embrace change for success

A CFO is uniquely able to take an investor’s perspective and look at the business from the outside in, to challenge strategy from a risk perspective and look at all key decisions through a value lens.
OPINION: New Review Engagement standards: what do they mean for me?

OPINION: New Review Engagement standards: what do they mean for me?

You may wish to discuss the most appropriate level of assurance—both the cost and the benefit for your business—with the users of your financial statements, your management team and your public accountant.
Can your working capital fund growth?

Can your working capital fund growth?

Financing your company’s growth in an uncertain economic climate can be risky. While the cost of borrowing may be historically low at the moment, it is not always easy for private companies to access that capital.
Don’t overpay tax instalments

Don’t overpay tax instalments

It’s a good idea to regularly review the method your corporation uses to make tax instalments to ensure you aren’t accidentally making overpayments.
New Year’s resolutions: can we keep these?

New Year’s resolutions: can we keep these?

It’s that time of year again when many people reflect on their lives and make resolutions to change something, do something, or not do something! It probably is a bit less common for business owners to make resolutions regarding their businesses.
Pension plans: getting on the bandwagon

Pension plans: getting on the bandwagon

Finding and keeping the right employees is important for the success of your business; while there is no shortage of talent in the job market these days, smaller enterprises often have to compete with larger firms to attract and retain talent.