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Power plant expanding (03/04)

The Ministry of Northern Development and Mines is contributing $4.5 million toward the acquisition and future expansion of the Weyerhaeuser power plant in Sturgeon Falls.

Insurance woes stall business plan (03/04)

Flying over Northern Ontario, one sees a land below, dotted by glittering sapphire pools of seemingly pristine lakes. It is a picture-postcard image that Murray Jardine says hides a darker truth.

Synfuel targets spring construction (01/04)

Synfuel Technology Inc. encountered resistance when the public had a chance to voice their concerns over the development of a $230-million power plant in Thunder Bay. The concerns relate to Sec.5 of Ministry of Environment regulations.

Water repairs carry hefty price tag (03/04)

A water intake repair that one First Nation community in the North believed would only require the replacement of a diesel motor, has been tagged at more than $1.2 million.

Northern College seeks approval for water technician program (03/04)

In an attempt to replenish the water treatment sector with qualified technicians Northern College is seeking approval from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities to deliver a two-year water technicians co-op program.

Winds of change require backing of government RFP, developer says (01/04)

If the McGuinty government is going to make good on its commitment to shut down coal-fired plants by 2007 and deliver more renewable energy to consumers, they need to come out with a policy this winter to encourage green energy developers and the inv

Abitibi Consolidated targets complete forest certification by 2005 (9/03)

Abitibi-Consolidated’s Fort William Woodlands Division has added 800,000 hectares of forested land under certification.

Green power ripe for developments (02/04)

Fitting into what appears to be part of the government’s plan to introduce renewable energy, a northwestern engineering firm is looking at diversifying its traditional ship-repair business to eke out a market in the green-power sector.

Lack of standards tarnish aquaculture industry, operator says (11/03)

Gord Cole flings a handful of feed pellets into the swirling waters of the floating pen hoping to coax a fish to rise. In the mesh-lined cage below, a shadowy swarm of thousands of rainbow trout dart about like wayward torpedoes.

North to build biotech business case (9/03)

Northern Ontario has been approved by the Minister of Enterprise Opportunity and Innovation to develop a strategic business plan to support a biotechnology cluster that will further diversify the northern economy.