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Region’s largest investment program launched

Spots available in Thunder Bay and Kenora – over $500,000 available in investment

The Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre has run the Costarter accelerator program since 2014, but this year the program will look a little different. Costarter 2.0 is a 12-week intensive accelerator program providing $18,000 in non-dilutive start-up funding, experienced advisors and mentors, workshops, and connections to government funding programs and investors.

The program will only accept 5 companies to maximize the support. Four companies will be located in Thunder Bay and one company will be located in Kenora. The goal is to move the Costarter companies to be revenue or investment ready by the end of the program.

An exciting addition to this year’s program is the opportunity for successful Costarter graduates to receive up to $250k in follow-on financing in the form of a convertible investment. We are seeking individuals or teams that have an innovative business model which is scalable and have a full-time commitment to their start-up. Of course, they must see value in and commit to growing their business in Thunder Bay or Kenora.

Costarter 2.0 is a collaboration between the Northwestern Ontario Innovation Centre, the Thunder Bay CEDC, City of Kenora, Northern Ontario Angels, Thunder Bay Ventures, and the Lake of the Woods Business Incentive Corporation.

Potential applicants are encouraged to visit for more details on the program and to apply. The application in-take is open from August 3rd – 25th. We look forward to announcing the successful applicants and launching the program on September 18th. 

For further information about the $250k in follow-on financing please reach out directly to Ryan Reynard at or Maria Vidotto at

Media Contact: Judy Sander
P: 807-768-6696