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Algoma U to host Aboriginal land management symposium

Algoma University will host a symposium next week that will focus on Aboriginal land management May 4 to 6. Exploring Aboriginal Land Management, Planning and Use will look at diverse perspectives.
Algoma University will host a symposium about Aboriginal land management and planning.

Algoma University will host a symposium next week that will focus on Aboriginal land management May 4 to 6.

Exploring Aboriginal Land Management, Planning and Use will look at diverse perspectives. The purpose of this symposium is to begin exploring through research and best practices, the inclusion of cultural and traditional practices of land management, planning and use for Aboriginal communities in Northern Ontario.

This symposium will create awareness regarding the discourse of land management, planning, and use, and will explore the appropriate steps to building capacity in Aboriginal communities. The needs of Aboriginal communities are diverse as they prepare to face contemporary challenges.

Keynote speakers include:

-Pamela Perrault, a PhD student in the Forestry Faculty at the University of British Columbia, who will give the presentation Managing at the Margins: Aboriginal Land Management in Context;

-J. Stephen O’Neill, a judge in the Superior Court of Justice, who will speak about The Need for Reconciliation;

-Cheryl Recollect, the environmental coordinator for the Wahnapitae First Nation, who will give the talk Using GIS to Inform First Nation Decision Making; and

-Karl Hele, an associate professor and director of the First Peoples Studies Program at Concordia University, who will give the talk The Water is the Wrong Colour: Observations on the Impact of Borders and Treaties in the Bawating Region.